Celebrating Kashmir Solidarity Day 2023 at Pakistan Public School: A Display of Support & Unity

Kashmir Solidarity Day 2023 at Pakistan Public School

Every year on the 5th of February, Pakistan observes Kashmir Solidarity Day to express its unwavering support to the people of Indian-occupied Kashmir and to renew its commitment to the just cause of self-determination for the Kashmiri people.

In this regard, Pakistan Public School also observed Kashmir Solidarity Day to pay homage to the brave people of Indian-occupied Kashmir and to raise awareness about their ongoing struggle for freedom and human rights. Students, teachers, and staff members gathered together to show their solidarity with the Kashmiri people and to express their solidarity with them.

The event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by speeches by students and teachers highlighting the history of the Kashmir conflict and the human rights violations committed by the Indian forces in the region.

In addition, students and teachers participated in a peaceful demonstration, holding placards and banners that read “Kashmir is not India’s internal matter, it’s a disputed territory”, “Free Kashmir” and “Stop human rights violations in Kashmir”.

Overall, the Kashmir Solidarity Day event in Pakistan Public Schools was a success, as students and teachers came together to show their support for the Kashmiri people and to raise awareness about the ongoing struggle for freedom in the region. The event was a powerful demonstration of the unity and resilience of the Kashmiri people, and of the unwavering support of the Pakistani people for their cause.

Video is available on our official youtube: Click Here

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